Phillip H. Larson

Earth Science - Geomorphology - Environment

Curriculum Vitae - Phillip H. Larson



Phillip H. Larson, PhD


Director of Earth Science Programs

Co-Director, EARTH Systems Laboratory

Minnesota State University, Mankato

Graduate Faculty/Adjunct Faculty

University of Minnesota, Earth and Environmental Sciences


Office: 5073892617

Website (Personal):

Website (Research Group):


                    person and dog in a desert Description automatically

(Zion at the Minnesota River; See: Larson, P.H., Dorn, R.I., Faulkner, D.J, Friend, D.A. (2015). Toe-Cut Terraces: A Review and Criteria to Differentiate from Traditional Fluvial Terraces. Progress in Physical Geography. DOI: 10.1177/0309133315582045)





I was born in Red Wing, Minnesota, and was raised along the banks of the upper Mississippi and St. Croix Rivers.  The geography of my upbringing resulted in a life-long interest in landscapes around me.  Particularly, I fell in love with rivers, the landscapes they create and continuously transform, and the environmental issues revolving around the human-river interconnection. This interest in our planet and the landscapes around us was supercharged as a child, during family vacations to the canyons and incredible landscapes of the southwest United States.  Locations like Zion, Grand Canyon, Canyonlands, Arches, and more, instilled a deep appreciation and passion for these places. Through these early experiences, an excitement for understanding our world developed. But, as a first-generation college student, I had no idea that a career studying and educating about these landscapes was even possible…nor did I understand the importance of these places and why we need to understand the processes that shape them!

I followed suit within the legacy of my community and worked in a factory following high school.  Eventually, I felt the desire to try for something “more.”  I decided to go back to school and when I entered my undergraduate degree pursuits, first at the University of Wisconsin-Stevens Point and finishing at the University of Wisconsin-Eau Claire, I initially found myself overwhelmed and confused about how to determine a path in life.  Thankfully, I took introductory courses in Physical Geography and Physical Geology and was encouraged by inspiring professors to “GO FURTHER!”  As such, the childhood passion was rekindled and turned into a life-long academic pursuit of geoscience. I continued these academic pursuits into graduate work (both master’s and Ph.D.) at Arizona State. Today, I am beyond fortunate to consider myself a geoscientist and, more specifically, a geomorphologist - with deep interests in using geomorphic systems to understand and address environmental issues impacting communities in the present and in the past (geoarcheology). I now serve as the Director of Earth Science Programs, founded the EARTH Systems Laboratory and continue in my duties as Professor in the Department of Geography at Minnesota State, where I have taught nearly 5,000 students.  I am also Graduate Faculty in the Department of Earth and Environmental Sciences at the University of Minnesota-Twin Cities where I work closely with Dr. Andrew Wickert and helped found our merged faculty-student research group – MNiMORPH (click here to learn more).



Summary of research interests:

landscape evolution/drainage reorganization processes, transverse drainages, outburst floods/overflow processes, deglacial landscape evolution, natural hazards (e.g. landslides), fluvial geomorphology and water resources, aeolian geomorphology, paleoenvironmental/paleogeographic change, geoarcheology

Skills/Methods utilized in research: Ground penetrating radar, GIS, GNSS, geochronology (e.g. OSL, cosmogenic radionuclides), sedimentology/geomorphology interpretation. Currently learning development and implementation of physical experiments/physical models.

My research and teaching interests are intertwined.  At the most fundamental level, I am guided by the philosophy of being a “Teaching Scholar.”  In the simplest sense, this philosophy drives an approach of integrated teaching, research, and student mentorship.  Integration begins through learner-centered, applied, and experiential learning in teaching and mentorship, both in direct and virtual classrooms and mentoring experiences.  I achieve the learner-centered, applied, and experiential approach by integrating my research, both theoretical and applied, to the classroom and direct mentoring experiences with the students.  In other words, my research is my teaching and vice versa.  Students I work with, at any level in their education, are engaged in real problems, real questions, and real science that I am actively pursuing.  They learn not only what we know, as is traditionally pursued in the classroom via lecture and/or a textbook, but they also learn how the scientific process unfolds and obtain methodological expertise through conducting the science themselves under my tutelage.  In this way, I stay current in my field, while addressing important questions in my field or in order to help communities impacted by or impacting natural processes. And, my students obtain a unique and highly impactful experience that allows them to stay at a competitive advantage in the work force or in academia when they graduate.

With that said, my expertise and interests lie in understanding geologically recent (largely Quaternary) landscape evolution and paleoenvironmental change through investigating geomorphic processes, surficial geologic deposits/stratigraphy, and the archeological record – with particular interest in fluvial systems and basin evolution in arid environments.  I utilize a field and remotely sensed-based methodologies and research philosophy to compile data that can help in developing better theory and understanding of our planet’s surface, environmental change, and human interactions with natural systems. In addition, I use that understanding of geomorphic processes to address natural hazards, environmental issues, and natural resource questions that impact a variety of communities.  


Professor of Geography:
Minnesota State University, Mankato, MN. 2021-Present

Graduate Faculty:
University of Minnesota, Earth and Environmental Sciences. 2019-Present

Graduate Program Coordinator - Geography:
Minnesota State University, Mankato, MN. 2019-2021; 2024
Associate Professor of Geography:
Minnesota State University, Mankato, MN. 2018-2021

Assistant Professor of Geography: 
Minnesota State University, Mankato, MN. 2013-2018.

Director of Earth Science Programs: 
Minnesota State University, Mankato, MN. 2014-Present. 

Founder and Co-Director, AGES Laboratory (now EARTH Systems Laboratory)  
Minnesota State University, Mankato, MN. 2016-2021. 
Full Course Instructor:
School of Geographical Science and Urban Planning – Arizona State University, Tempe, AZ. 2010-2013
Taught Geography 101 (Intro Physical Geography), Geography 211 (Landform Processes)

Lead Graduate Teaching Assistant
School of Geographical Sciences and Urban Planning - Arizona State University, Tempe, AZ. 2009-2013.



Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.) in Geography, August 2013.  
Arizona State University, School of Geographical Sciences and Urban Planning, Tempe, AZ 


Dissertation: “Desert fluvial terraces and their relationship with basin development in the Sonoran Desert, Basin and Range: Case studies from south-central Arizona.”  


Master of Arts (M.A.) in Geography, May 2011   
Arizona State University, School of Geographical Sciences and Urban Planning, Tempe, AZ 


Research Exam (Anthony J. Brazel Award Winner 2010-2011) 
Bailey Research Scholarship (2010) 


Master's Research: "Landform development in the South Mountains Metamorphic Core Complex." 


Bachelor of Science (B.S.) in Geography-Resource Management, May 2008
Physical Geology - Minor 
University of Wisconsin-Eau Claire, Department of Geography and Anthropology, Department of Geology, Eau Claire, WI 



denotes graduate student authors, authors in italics indicate undergraduate authors.  TBS = to be submitted (author orders are placeholders)


Seong, Y.B., Skotnicki, S.J., Dorn, R.I., Schmeeckle, M., Larson, P.H., Yong Yu, Byung,  (in prep, TBS 2024). Initiation of exotic rivers across North America’s Sonoran Desert. Nature.

Larson, P.H., Millett, J.*, Running, G.L., Faulkner, D.J., Rittenour, T., Burds, L.*, Schirmer, R., Schaetzl, R. (in prep, TBS 2024).  The origin and geomorphology of cliff-top dunes: A review and case study from the Chippewa River valley, Wisconsin, USA. Quaternary Science Reviews.

*Shandonay, K.L., Senf, G. Bowen, M.W., Larson, P.H., Running, G.L. (in prep, TBS 2024). Late Quaternary records of environmental change in sand stringers of the upper Midwest, USA. Boreas.

Swanson, M.*, Larson, P.H., Wickert, A.W.... (in prep, TBS soon. Hillslope processes, characteristics, and hazards in proglacial flood derived landscapes: Minnesota River Valley, USA. Natural Hazards.


Larson, P.H.
, Dorn, R.I., Douglass, J.C., Rittenour, T.M., Seong, Y.B., Jeong, A. (to be submitted, 2024).  Aggradational piracy as an underappreciated process of drainage integration and landscape evolution. Earth Surface Processes and Landforms.

*Penprase, S., Wickert, A., Larson, P.H., Wood, J., Larsen, I., Rittenour, T. (submitted, 2024). Plow vs. ice age: Erosion rate variability from glacial-interglacial climate change is an order of magnitude lower than agricultural erosion in the upper Mississippi River Valley. Geology.

Triplett, L., Hammer, M.N., Delong, S.B., Gran, K.B., Jennings, C.E., Engle, Z.T., Bartley, J.K., Blumentritt, D.J., Breckenridge, A.J., Day, S., Kohout, M.A., Larson, P.H., Mcdermott, J.A., Richard, E.M. (submitted, 2024). Landslide occurrence and susceptibility dictated by glacial activity and post-glacial fluvial network development in Minnesota, USA. Landslides.

*Shandonay, K.L., Bowen, M.W., Larson, P.H., Running, G.L., Rittenour, T., *Mataitis, R. (2022). Morphology and stratigraphy of aeolian sand stringers in southeast Minnesota and western Wisconsin, USA.  Earth Surface Processes and Landforms

Larson, P.H., Dorn, R.I., Skotnicki, S., Seong, Y.B. Gootee, B. (2022). Drainage integration in extensional tectonic settings and the revival of the great rivers of Arizona. Geomorphology.

Schaetzl, R., Running, G., Larson, P.H., Rittennour, T., Yansa, C., Faulkner, D. (2021).  Luminescence dating of sand wedges constrains the late Wisconsin permafrost interval in the upper midwest, USA. Boreas.

Larson, P.H., Dorn, R.I., Skotnicki, S., Seong, Y.B., DePonty, J. (2020). Impact of drainage integration on basin geomorphology and landform evolution: Case study along the Salt and Verde Rivers of the Sonoran Desert, USA. Geomorphology.

Skotnicki, S., Seong, Y.B., Dorn, R.I., Larson, P.H., Deponty, J. (2020). Drainage integration of the Salt and Verde Rivers in a Basin and Range extensional landscape, central Arizona, USA. Geomorphology.

*Hilgendorf, Z, *Wells, G., Larson, P.H., *Millett, J., *Swanson, M. (2020). From basins to rivers: Understanding the revitalization and significance of top-down drainage integration mechanisms in drainage basin evolution. Geomorphology.


Dorn, R., Larson, P.H. (2019). Forward: Episodic forward prolongation of trunk channels in the Western United States. Geomorphology, 343.

Oh, J.S., Seong, Y.B., Larson, P.H., Hong, S.C., Yu, B.Y. (2019). Asymmetric hillslope retreat on Rock Peak, San Tan Mountains, Arizona, USA: Assessing caprock lithology control on landscape evolution. Annals of the American Association of Geographers.

Donovan, M., Belmont, P., Notebaert, B., Coombs, T., Larson, P.H., Souffront, M. (2019).
Accounting for uncertainty in measurements of river channel migration. Earth Science Reviews.

Schaetzl, R., Larson, P.H., Faulkner, D.J., Running, G.L., Jol, H.M., and Rittenour T. (2018).  Eolian sand and loess deposits indicate west-northwest paleowinds during the Late Pleistocene in western Wisconsin, USA. Quaternary Research. 89: 769-785.

Yuan, F., Larson, P.H., Mulvihill, R., *Libby, D., Nelson, J., Grupa, T., Moore, R. (2017). Mapping and Analyzing Stream Network Changes in Watonwan River Watershed, Minnesota, USA. International Journal of Geo-Information

Larson, P.H., Meek, N., Dorn, R.I., Douglass, J., Seong, Y.B., (2016). How Rivers Get Across Mountains: Transverse Drainages. Annals of the American Association of Geographers.


Larson, P.H., Kelley, S., Dorn, R.I., Seong Y.B. (2016). Pace of Landscape Change in the northeastern Sonoran Desert, United States. Annals of the American Association of Geographers.

GK GILBERT AWARD RECEPIENT – American Association of Geographers:
Faulkner, D., Larson, P.H., Jol, H.M., Running, G.L., Loope, H.M., and Goble, R.J. (2016). Episodic Incision and Terrace Formation Resulting from Abrupt Late-Glacial Base-Level Fall, Lower Chippewa River, Wisconsin, USA. Geomorphology. 266: 75-95.

Seong, Y.B., Larson, P.H., Dorn, R.I. and Yu, B.Y. (2016). Evaluating process domains in small arid granitic watersheds: Case study of Pima Wash, South Mountains, Sonoran Desert, USA. Geomorphology. 255: 108-124.

Larson, P.H., Dorn, R.I., Faulkner, D.J, Friend, D.A. (2015). Toe-Cut Terraces: A Review and Criteria to Differentiate from Traditional Fluvial Terraces. Progress in Physical Geography.

Larson, P.H. and Dorn, R.I. (2014). Strath Development in Small Arid Watersheds: Case Study of South Mountain, Sonoran Desert, Arizona. American Journal of Science. 314: 1202-1223.

Larson, P.H., Dorn, R.I., *Palmer, R.E., *Bowles, Z., *Harrison. E., *Kelley S., Schmeeckle,  M. W., Douglass, J. (2014).  Pediment Response to Drainage Basin Evolution in South-Central Arizona. Physical Geography

Dorn, R.I., Dorn, J., *Harrison, E., *Gutbrod, E., Gibson, S.Larson, P.H., Cerveny, N., Lopat., N., Groom, K.M., Allen, C.D. (2012). Case Hardening Vignettes from the Western USA: Convergence of Form from a Divergence of Hardening Processes. Association of Pacific Coast Geographers Yearbook. 74: 112. 

Larson, P.H. and Dorn, R.I. (2012). Painting Yosemite Valley: A Case Study From the Rock Coatings Encountered at Half Dome. Physical Geography 33: 165-182.

Larson, P.H., Dorn, R.I, Douglass, J., Gootee, B.F., Arrowsmith, R. (2010). Stewart Mountain Terrace: A New Salt River Terrace with Implications for Landscape Evolution of the Lower Salt River Valley, Arizona. Journal of the Arizona-Nevada Academy of Science 42: 26-35.



* denotes graduate student authors, authors in italics indicate undergraduate authors.

DeLong, S.B., Engle, Z.T., Hammer, M.N., Jennings, C.E., Gran, K.B., Bartley, J.K., Blumentritt, D.J., Breckenridge, A.J., Day, S., Larson, P.H., McDermott, J.A., Triplett, L.D., Wickert, A.D., Richard, Emilie, M., *Swanson, M.A., Allison, M., Dahlseid, A., Dahly, D.T., Dean, B.A., Endres, M., Kurak, E., Link, S., Matti, B., Rehwinkel, R.W., Sockness, B., VanBerkel, J., Willard, J.G., and Williams, A.B., (2021). Inventory of landslides in the northwestern, northeastern, southern, and southeastern parts of Minnesota: United States Geological Survey data release.

Larson, P.H., Belmont, P., Water Resources Center. (2018). Final Report - Minnesota River Invasive Carp Prevention Workplan: Minnesota DNR. Lessard-Sams Outdoor Heritage Council through Minnesota DNR - Minnesota River Invasive Carp Workplan. 




denotes graduate student authors, authors in italics indicate undergraduate authors


Larson, P.H., Ritter, M. (current) “The Physical Environment.” 4th edition. Online digital textbook for introduction to Physical Geography.  Utilized by students at Minnesota State and Arizona State.


Dorn, R.I., Larson, P.H., Jeong, A. (in process, 2020-2022). “Landforms on Faulted Rocks” in Essentials of Geomorphology. Cambridge University Press. Schaetzl, R., Marston, D., Eds.


Larson, P.H., Dorn, R.I., Seong, Y.B., Gootee, B. (2022). Special Issue: Drainage Integration in Extensional Tectonic Terrains. Geomorphology.


Hargitai, H. and Larson, P.H. (2015). "Valley Terrace" in The Encyclopedia of Planetary Landforms. Springer.

Larson, P.H. and Dorn, R.I. (2015). "Radiometric dating/techniques" in The International Encyclopedia or Geography: People, the Earth, Environment and Technology. Wiley Blackwell.

Larson, P.H., *Harrison, E.J., and *Palmer, E. (2013). Introductory Physical Geography Laboratory Manual, 10th edition, Hayden McNeil: Michigan. 

Larson, P.H. (2012). Introductory Physical Geography Laboratory Manual, 9th edition, Hayden McNeil: Michigan. 





denotes graduate student authors, authors in non-bold italics indicate undergraduate authors

Jones, J., Libby, D., England, H., *Rowen, J., Larson, P., Hilgendorf, Z., Brown, A., Wickert, A. (submitted, 2024). A Tale of Three Rivers: Anthropogenic Influence and Planform Change Across Scales in Minnesota, USA. Abstracts with Programs: American Geophysical Union fall meeting.

*Penprase, P. Wilwerding, A., McKenzie, M., Wickert, A., Larson, P.H., Rittenour, T. (submitted, 2024). Slackwater Sediments Reveal Time-Variable Glacial Meltwater Routing Down the Upper Mississippi River at the Younger Dryas–Holocene Transition. Abstracts with Programs: American Geophysical Union fall meeting.

*Rowen, J.K., England, H.O., Larson, P.H., Hilgendorf, Z., Brown, A., Wood, J., Wickert, A. (2024). Assessing historical planform channel change: Whitewater River basin, Minnesota, USA. Abstracts with Programs: American Geophysical Union fall meeting. (

Senf. G., *Shandonay, K., Larson, P. (2024). Distribution, chronology and paleoenvironmental significance of aeolian sand stringers beyond the ice margin, southeastern Minnesota and western Wisconsin, USA. Abstracts with Programs: Geological Society of America fall meeting. (

*Delikowski, H., Larson, P.H., Johnson, M., Wickert, A., Rittenour, T.M. (2024). Evidence for an outburst flood drainage of Glacial Lake Grantsburg and its role in the formation of the St. Croix River valley, WI/MN, USA. Abstracts with Programs: Geological Society of America fall meeting. (

*Delikowski, H., *Uchytil, G., *Rowen, J., *Fischer, A., Larson, P.H., Johnson, M., Faulkner, D., Running, G., Rittenour, T., Wickert, A., Brown, A., Hilgendorf, Z., Schirmer, R. 2024. Assessing the Role of Outburst Floods in the Formation of the Lower St. Croix River Valley, USA. Abstracts with Programs: European Geosciences Union General Assembly 2024.

*Fischer, A., Susnik, C., Stafford, N., *Delikowski, H., *Rowen, J., Breckenridge, A., Larson, P.H., Seong, Y.B., Faulkner, D., Ullman, D., Wickert, A., Barefoot, E., Brown, A. 2024.
A Sedimentologic, Morphometric, and Geochronologic Investigation of Ambiguous Dune-like Landforms: An Indicator of Proglacial Lake Drainage in the Lake Superior Basin, USA. Abstracts with Programs: European Geosciences Union General Assembly 2024.

Wickert, A.D., Faulkner, D.J., Larson, P.H., Schildgen, T.F., Turowski, J.M., Malatesta, L.C., Iscen, B.N., McNab, F., Hassenruck-Gudipati, H.J., Kwang, J.S. 2023. Geomorphic Evolution During Rapid Alluvial River Incision. Abstracts with Programs: American Geophysical Union fall meeting.


(Invited) *Penprase, S, Wickert, A., Larson, P., Larsen, I., Rittenour, T., Faulkner, D., Running, G. Using Paired Optically Stimulated Luminescence and Cosmogenic Nuclide 10Be Dating to Understand Changes in Erosion Rate within a Fill–Cut Terrace Sequence: Whitewater River, Southeastern Minnesota, USA. 2022. Abstracts with Programs: American Geophysical Union fall meeting.

*Penprase, S., Wickert, A., Larson, P., Faulkner D., Barefoot, E., Wood, J., Jones, J., Dunn, C., Larsen, I., Rittenour, T., Running, G. 2022. Impacts of Changing Climate and Glacially Driven Base Level on an Upper Mississippi River Tributary During the Most Recent Glacial–post-Glacial Transition. Abstracts with Programs: American Geophysical Union fall meeting.

Wickert, A., *Jones, J., *Iscen, N., Hassenruck-Gudipati, H., *Libby, D., Larson, P., Barnhart, K., Van Wyk de Vries, M. 2022. Self-consistently simulating transient and steady-state river-channel width. Abstracts with Programs: American Geophysical Union fall meeting.

*Wood, J. Wickert, A. Larson, P., Ostermann, K., *Cervantes de Bois, C., Running, G, Faulkner, D., Svien, L., Christianson, D., Thompson, B. 2022. Buried in Bluff Country: Reshaping southeastern Minnesota's Whitewater River Valley (USA) Through Catastrophe, Conservation, and Climate Change. Abstracts with Programs: American Geophysical Union fall meeting.

Penprase, S., Wickert, A., Larson, P., Larsen, I.J., Rittenour, T. (2022). Using paired Optically Stimulated Luminescence and Cosmogenic Nuclide 10Be Dating to understand changes in erosion rate within a fill-cut terrace sequence: Whitewater River, southeastern Minnesota, USA. Abstracts with Programs: Geological Society of America fall meeting.

Wickert, A.D., *Jones, J., *Iscen, N., *Libby, D., Larson, P.H., Barnhart, K.R., *Van Wyk de Vries, M.S., Dunn, C.N. (2021). Transient width adjustments of straight river channels with cohesive banks.  Abstracts with Programs: American Geophysical Union fall meeting.


*Penprase, S.B., Wickert, A.D., Larson, P.H., Dunn, C.N., Bezada, M., Running, G.L., Faulkner, D.J., *Jones, J., Schewe, J. (2021). Characterizing River Profile, Concavity, and Sediment Discharge Response to Changes in Base Level across Timescales: Whitewater River, Southeastern Minnesota, USA. Abstracts with Programs: American Geophysical Union fall meeting.


Wickert, A.D., Clubb, F.J., Larson, P.H.Glade, I. (2021). Glacial isostatic deformation of the Last Glacial Maximum Mississippi River terrace. Abstracts with Programs: Joint Paleo Constraints on Sea Level Rise and Solid Earth Response and Influence on Cryospheric Evolution fall meeting.


*Shandonay, K., Bowen, M.W., Larson, P.H., Running, G.L., Rittenour, T.M. (2021) Stratigraphic Investigations of Aeolian Sand Stringers in Southeast Minnesota and Western Wisconsin.  Abstracts with Programs: Geological Society of America fall meeting.

Wickert, A.D., Clubb, F.J., Larson, P.H., *Glade, I. (2021). Glacial isostatic deformation of the Last Glacial Maximum Mississippi River terrace. Abstracts with Programs: Joint Paleo Constraints on Sea Level Rise and Solid Earth Response and Influence on Cryospheric Evolution fall meeting.


Wickert, A.D., Schildgen, T.F., Tofelde, S., Savi, S., Rojo, Y., Fleagle, S., *Callaghan, K.L., Barnes, R., *Penprase, S.B., Larson, P., Roth, D.L. (2020). Self-consistently matching sediment supply, water discharge, and channel slope: Lane's balance at the catchment scale. Abstracts with Programs: American Geophysical Union fall meeting.


*Burds, L., Schirmer, R.C., Larson, P.H., Running, G.L., Wickert, A.D., Brown, A., *Anton, A.T., *Wiitanen-Eggan, A.K. (2020). Evaluation and application of geophysical methods in identifying potential Native American earthen mounds in the upper Mississippi basin, USA. Abstracts with Programs: Geological Society of America annual meeting. Connects Online.


*Shandonay, K.L., Bowen, M.W., Larson, P.H., Running, G.L. (2020).  Stratigraphy and geomorphic evolution of sand stringers in the upper Mississippi River Basin. Abstracts with Programs: Geological Society of America annual meeting. Connects Online.


Engle, Z.T., DeLong, S.B., Bartley, J.K., Blumentritt, D., Breckenridge, A.J., Day, S.S., Gran, K.B., Jennings, C.E., Larson, P.H., McDermott, J.A., Triplett, L.D., Wickert, A.D. (2020). Towards design of a landslide inventory geodatabase for Minnesota. Abstracts with Programs: Geological Society of America North-Central annual meeting, Duluth, Minnesota.


Jennings, C.E., Gran, K.B., DeLong, S.B., Bartley, J.K., Blumentritt, D., Breckenridge, A.J., Dahly, D.T., Day, S.S., Engle, Z., Hammer, M., *Kurak, E., Larson, P.H., McDermott, J.A., Richard, E.M., *Swanson, M., Triplett, L.D. (2020). A landslide inventory for Minnesota. Abstracts with Programs: Geological Society of America North-Central annual meeting, Duluth, Minnesota.


Schaetzl, R.J., Running, G.L., Larson, P.H., Rittenour, T.M. (2020).  Sand wedges point to permafrost and aeolian activity in the Chippewa Valley ca. 18-13 ka. Abstracts with Programs: Geological Society of American North-Central annual meeting, Duluth, Minnesota.


*Shandonay, K.L., *Mataitis, R.J., *Burds, L., Larson, P.H., Bowen, M.W., Running, G.L., Schaetzl, R.J., Rittenour, T. (2020). Geomorphology of aeolian sand stringers in western Wisconsin and southeastern Minnesota. Abstracts with Programs: Geological Society of American North-Central annual meeting, Duluth, Minnesota.


*Burds, L., Larson, P.H., Schirmer, R.C., Running, G.L., Faulkner, D.J., Rittenour, T., *Mataitis, R.J. (2020). Aeolian geomorphology and geoarcheology of the Kiwanis site, Chippewa River valley, Wisconsin. Abstracts with Programs: Geological Society of American North-Central annual meeting, Duluth, Minnesota.

*Gardner, D., *Penprase, S., Larson, P.H., Wickert, A.D., Faulkner, D.J., Blumentritt, D., Schirmer, R.C. (2020).  Landscape evolution and stream terraces of the Whitewater River valley, Minnesota: Preliminary Results.  Abstracts with Programs: Geological Society of American North-Central annual meeting, Duluth, Minnesota.

*Penprase, S.B., Wickert, A.D., Larson, P., Clubb, F.J., *Kurak, E. (2019).  Isolating climatic and glacial impacts on river morphology: a paired-catchment study in the upper Mississippi River watershed. Abstracts with Programs: American Geophysical Union annual meeting, San Francisco, California. 


Faulkner, D.J., Larson, P.H., Running, G.L., Jol, H.M. (2019). The paraglacial lower Chippewa River, west-central Wisocnsin, USA. Abstracts with Programs: Geological Society of America annual meeting, Phoenix, Arizona.


Larson, P.H., *Millett, J., *Burds, L., *Mataitis, R.J., Running, G.L., Rittenour, T.M., Nelson, M.S., Schaetzl, R.J., Faulkner, D.J., Schirmer, R.C. (2019). Defining the geomorphology of cliff-top dunes: Case study of the Chippewa River valley, WI, USA. Abstracts with Programs: Geological Society of America annual meeting, Phoenix, Arizona.


*Mataitis, R.J., Larson, P.H., Running, G.L., Schaetzl, R.J., Bowen, M.W., Faulkner, D.J., Rittenour, T.M., Nelson, M.S., *Burds, L., Schirmer, R.C. (2019). Revisiting the distribution and geomorphology of sand stringers beyond the ice margin. Abstracts with Programs: Geological Society of America annual meeting, Phoenix, Arizona.


Schaetzl, R.J., Larson, P.H., and Running, G.L. (2019). Dominance of strong northwest winds across the midwest in the postglacial period. Abstracts with Programs: Geological Society of America annual meeting, Phoenix, Arizona.


Schaetzl, R.J., Running, G.L., Larson, P.H., Rittenour, T., Faulkner, D., Knauff, J., Baisch, C., and Kaplan, S. (2019).  Loess deposition and remobilization in an ice-marginal landscape. Abstracts with Programs: International Union of Quaternary Research annual meeting, Dublin, Ireland.


Marcou, N., Slade, A., *Mataitis, R., *Millett, J., Larson, P.H., Faulkner, D., Schaetzl, R., Running, G., Bowen, M. (2019). Sand stringers of southeastern Minnesota and west-central Wisconsin: A progress report. Abstracts with Programs: American Association of Geographers annual meeting, Washington D.C.

*Swanson, M., *Kuehl, K., Bergstrom-Conley, R., *Millett, J., Wickert, A., Jennings, C.,
Bowen, M., Larson, P.H. (2019).  Revisiting the post-glacial landscape evolution of the Minnesota River valley: Preliminary Results.  Abstracts with Programs: American Association of Geographers annual meeting, Washington D.C.

Faulkner, D., Larson, P., Adams, H., *Kuehl, K., *Hilgendorf, Z., Jol, H., Running, G. (2019).
The Chippewa River: Paragon of a Paraglacial Fluvial System.  Abstracts with Programs: American Association of Geographers annual meeting, Washington D.C. 

Larson, P.H., Belmont, P., Water Resources Center. (2018). Final Report - Minnesota River Invasive Carp Prevention Workplan: Minnesota DNR. Lessard-Sams Outdoor Heritage Council through Minnesota DNR - Minnesota River Invasive Carp Workplan.

*Oubre, M., Escobar, L., Larson, P. (2018).
Habitat Suitability for Four Species of Invasive Carp in the Minnesota River, South-Central Minnesota, USA. Abstracts with Programs: American Fisheries Society annual meeting, Atlantic City, Spring 2018.

*Millett, J., *Anzalone, C., Coonen, K., Jansen, E., Gardner, D., Larson, P.H., Running, G., Faulkner, D., Schirmer, R. (2018). Sandy Aeolian Deposition in Southeaster Minnesota and Western Wisconsin: A Forgotten and Poorly Understood Sandy Aeolian Landscape. Preliminary Results.  Abstracts with Programs: American Association of Geographers annual conference, New Orleans, Spring 2018. 

*Oubre, M., Escobar, L., Larson, P., Water Resources Center. (2017). A Framework for Moedling the Risk of Biological Invasions. Abstracts with Programs: American Fisheries Society annual conference, Tampa Bay, Fall 2017. 

*Oubre, M., Escobar, L., Larson, P., Water Resources Center. (2017). Predicting Invasion Risk for Invasive Carp in the Minnesota River. Abstracts with Programs: American Fisheries Society annual conference, Tampa Bay, Fall 2017. 

Yuan, F., Larson, P.H.Mulvihill, R., Nelson, J., Grupa, T., Moore, R. (2017). Stream Network Changes and Environmental Impacts in Watonwan River Watershed. Abstracts with Programs:
American Association of Geographers annual conference, Boston, Spring 2017.  

Arnold, S., Brown, A., Larson, P.H., Schirmer, R.C. (2017). A machine-learning geospatial methodology for identifying Native American burial mounds and earthworks from high resolution LiDAR datasets, Minnesota, USA: Implications for research in Geoarcheology and Geomorphology. Abstracts with Programs: American Association of Geographers annual conference, Boston, Spring 2017. 

*Hilgendorf, Z.T., Moore, R., *Swanson, M., *Salfer, J.T., *Libby, D., Larson, P.H.Richards, M., Batzlaff, B. (2017). Refining and evaluating a method of hydro-modification of LIDAR derived DEMs in agricultural land-use dominated watersheds. County Ditch 57 watershed, Minnesota, USA. Abstracts with Programs: American Association of Geographers annual conference, Boston, Spring 2017. 

Yuan, F., *Mulvihill, R., Larson, P.H., *Libby, D., and *Hilgendorf, Z. (2016). Mapping and Analyzing Stream Network Changes in Watonwan River Watershed. Minnesota GIS/LIS Consortium Annual Meeting, Duluth, Fall 2016. 

*Libby, D.J. and Larson, P.H. (2016). Assessing Historical Planform Channel Change Within an Altered Watershed: Minnesota River, Minnesota, USA. Abstracts with Programs: Geological Society of America annual conference, Denver, Fall 2016. 

*Libby, D.J., Larson, P.H., *Hilgendorf, Z., *Williams, V.A., *Chadwick-Camp, M., Howell, D.W., Aeikens, A.L., Scheeler, D.J., Millett, J.J., and Rothmeier, K.P. (2016). Assessing Error and Uncertainty in Remote Analysis of Channel Change Dynamics and Morphology. Case Study: Minnesota River, Minnesota, USA. Abstracts with Programs: Association of American Geographers annual conference, San Francisco, Spring 2016. 

*Hilgendorf, Z., Larson, P., and Hoppie, B. (2016). Analysis of nonpoint source pollution mitigation strategies within an agricultural watershed: Cobb River watershed, Minnesota River Basin, south-central Minnesota - Premliminary Results. Abstracts with Programs: Association of American Geographers annual conference, San Francisco, Spring 2016.

*Libby, D.J., Larson, P.H., Belmont, P., Faulkner, D.J. (2016). Quantifying Historic Channel Change Dynamics of the Minnesota River, south-central Minnesota, USA. Abstracts with Programs: Association of American Geographers annual conference, San Francisco, Spring 2016.

*Hilgendorf, Z., Larson, P. and Hoppie, B. (2015). County Ditch 57: Understanding the Implications of Intensive Agricultural Practices within First-Order Drainages and their Effects on the Larger System. Abstracts with Programs: Association of American Geographers: West Lakes Regional Conference, Fall 2015 

*Brown, A., *Smith, C., Schirmer, R., and Larson, P. (2015).  Archeology and Landscape 
Geomorphology in Three Dimensions: Integrating Photogrammetrically and LiDAR Derived Point Clouds for Multi-Scale 3D Analysis.  Abstracts with Programs: Association of American Geographers annual conference, Chicago, IL. Spring 2015. 

*Smith, C., *Brown, A., Larson, P.H, and Wittkop, C. (2015). The Significance of Alluvial Fans in the Landscape Evolution of the lower Minnesota River Valley: Preliminary Results. Abstracts with Programs: Association of American Geographers annual conference, Chicago, IL. Spring 2015. 

Williams, V. and Larson, P.H. (2014). Geostatistical and Geospatial Analysis of I/I into Wastewater Treatment Infrastructure. Presented at the Association of American Geographers annual conference, Tampa Bay, FL. Spring 2014. 

Larson, P.H., Dorn, R.I., *Kelley, S. (2013). Reconstructing Paleotopography, Geomorphic 
Processes and Landscape Evolution in Response to Drainage Basin Integration - Salt and Verde Rivers, Basin and Range, Arizona: Preliminary Results. Abstracts with Programs. Presented at the Geological Society of America annual conference, Denver, CO. Fall 2013. 

Larson, P.H. (2011). Landform and Drainage Development in a Metamorphic Core Complex, Basin and Range, South-Central Arizona.  Abstracts with Programs.  Presented at the Association of American Geographers annual conference, New York, NY. Spring 2011. 

Larson, P.H., Dorn, R., *Gutbrod, E., Gibson, S.Harrison, E., Schmeeckle, M. (2009). Introduction to Geomorphology: An Online SQ Experience. Presented at the Assocation of American Geographers annual conference, Las Vegas, NV. Spring 2009. 

Olson, L.M., Larson, P.H., Hupy, J., Jol, H.M., Faulkner, D.J., Running, G.L. (2007). Late Quaternary Eolian Dunes and Fluvial Terraces of the Lower Chippewa River Valley. Presented at the Association of American Geographers annual conference, Boston, MA, Spring of 2008. 

Larson, P.H.Dryer, W.P., Mc Donald, J., Baker, A., Running, G.L., Faulkner, D.J., Jol, H.M. 
(2007). Geomorphology of Cliff-Top Parabolic Dunes within the Lower Chippewa River Valley, Upper Putnam Park, Eau Claire, Wisconsin. Presented at the Association of American Geographers annual conference, Boston, MA, Spring of 2008. 

Larson, P.H., Mc Donald, J.M., Dryer, W.P., Pascal, E.G., Jol, H.M., Craig, M., Warnke, D.A.,  Teitler, L., (2007). High Resolution GPR Investigation of a Lake Manly Shoreline Deposit, Death Valley, California. Presented at the Geological Society of America annual conference, Denver, CO, fall 2007. 

Speer, D.M., Larson, P.H., Faulkner, D.J., Running, G.L., Jol, H.M., (2007). Post-Glacial History of the Lower Chippewa River, Western Wisconsin: A Progress Report. Presented at the Association of American Geographers annual conference, San Francisco, CA, spring 2007. 




Minnesota State University – Courses  
Geog101 - Introduction to Physical Geography (GE3, GE10, Lab Science) (online and in-person)
Geog313 - Natural Disasters (GE2)
Geog315 - Geomorphology
Geog409/509 - Water Resources 
Geog440/540 - Field Methods 
Geog415/515 - Earth Surface Processes
Geog416W/516 - Fluvial Geomorphology and Hydrology (W - Writing Intensive) 
Geog417/517 - Quaternary Environments and Climate Change 
Geog440/540 – National Parks, Environmental Issues, and Geoscience in the Southwest

Geog 440/540 – Hawaii (In Preparation)
Geog499 – Applied Geomorphology 
Geog610 – Advanced Geomorphology/Arid Geomorphology/Arid Environments 

Geog610 – Issues in Physical Geography
Geog677 – Advanced Fluvial Geomorphology/Sediment Transport


Arizona State University - Courses   
GPH 211-Landform Processes (online) 
GPH 111-Introduction to Physical Geography 


K-12 Outreach/Service

AVID tutor (Math and Science)- Connolly Middle School, Tempe, AZ 
Arizona Geographic Alliance Summer Workshop Co-Instructor 
National Geographic Geography Bee Judge (Minnesota State Championship 2017) 
Director of Earth Science Programs/Earth Science Ed Major, Minnesota State University (2014-present) 
Earth-Space Science Teaching Reaccreditation (EPPAS), Minnesota State University (2016, 2018, 2020)


University, Community, and Discipline-Focused Service

Director of Earth Science Programs, Minnesota State University (2014-present)

Co-Director and Founder of AGES (now EARTH Systems) Laboratory (2016-present)

Created Geomorphology & Earth Surface Processes Certificate in Earth Science Prog. (2018)

Collaboratively Created Geoarcheology Certificate in Anthropology Prog. (2018) 

Graduate Program Coordinator, Geography (2019-2021)

Graduate Faculty, University of Minnesota (2019-present)

Serving as co-advisor/committee member for PhD students at premiere research institution in the state of Minnesota

Southern Minnesota Landslide Hazards Research and Outreach (2017-present)

Minnesota River Basin Invasive Carp Research and Outreach (2015-2019)

Curriculum Restructuring for Earth Science and Geography B.S. (2019-2020)

Led the redesign of the entire Geography B.S. and Earth Science B.S. to make degrees more inclusive, flexible, and contemporary to the science of today

Applied for and Offered Study Away Courses for Students:

Geog 416W/516: Fluvial Geomorphology and Hydrology

Geog 440/540: National Parks, Environmental Issues, and Geoscience in the Southwest

Geog 610: Advanced Geomorphology/Desert Geomorphology/Arid Environments

Served on and co-led Hiring Committee for Soils Geomorphologist position in Geography

Hosting, updating, and maintaining “The Physical Environment” digital intro-physical geography textbook.  This is offered to students free of charge at several universities.  See book publications above.




·         Douglas R. Moore Research Lectureship (2022) - Minnesota State University, Mankato: Most prestigious research award conferred by Minnesota State, Mankato


·         GK Gilbert Award for Excellence in Geomorphological Research (2019) – American Association of Geographers, Geomorphology Specialty Group (Faulkner et al., 2016)


·         Dr. Duane Orr Teacher of the Year Award Nomination (2018) - Minnesota State University Student Association


·         Advisor Recognition Award Nomination (2018; not eligible to win because of prior win) - Minnesota State University


·         Presidential Teaching Scholar Fellowship (2016) - Minnesota State University


·         Advisor Recognition Award (2016) - Minnesota State University


·         Innovation with Technology Award (2015) –  Minnesota State University

·         Anthony J. Brazel Research Exam Award (2010-2011) – Arizona State University


·         Mathew G. Bailey Scholarship Award (2010) – Arizona State University


·         Undergraduate Excellence in Research Award (2008) – University of Wisconsin-Eau Claire


·         University of Wisconsin-Eau Claire Outstanding Senior Award (2008) - University of Wisconsin-Eau Claire


·         Douglas R. Moore Research Lectureship (2022) – Minnesota State University, Mankato. How Rivers Are Born and Evolve: A Paradigm Shift in Earth Science.


·         Earth Seminar Series. University of Wisconsin-Eau Claire. From Bathtub to Base-level: Origin of Through-Flowing Drainages in Extensional Tectonic Landscapes Part 2 (April 9th, 2021)


·         Earth Surface Camaraderie. Colorado School of Mines and University of Minnesota Earth Surface Group.  Drainage Integration in Extensional Tectonic Terrains (Talk #1) and The Pediment Problem (Talk #2) (2020)


·         Department of Earth & Environmental Sciences Seminar. University of Minnesota-Duluth. From Bathtub to Base-level: Origin of Through-Flowing Drainages in Extensional Tectonic Landscapes (2020)


·         Soft Rock Lecture Series. University of Minnesota, Department of Earth Sciences.  Revival of the Great Rivers of Arizona (2019)


·         Minnesota State University Geography Colloquia Series Talk: A River Runs Through It: Creating Rivers in the Basin and Range, pt. 2 (2015)


·         Midwest Undergraduate Geography Symposium. Gustavus Adolphus. Keynote Address: A River Runs Through It: Creating Rivers in the Basin and Range. (2015)


·         Minnesota State University Geography Colloquia Series: Bedrock Strath Development in Small Arid Watersheds (2013)


·         Earth Science Seminar Series - University of Wisconsin Eau Claire: Implications of Strath Development and Landscape Evolution in Small Arid Watersheds: South Mountain, AZ. (2013)



·         Member, American Geophysical Union 

·         Member, Geological Society of America 

·         Member, European Geosciences Union 



(in preparation) National Science Foundation: CNH2  – ~$1,150,000 - Tentative Title: Assessing coupled geomorphic-anthropogenic landscape evolution to understand the origin of the Silvernale Phase of the upper Mississippi River valley, Minnesota, USA.

(in preparation) National Science Foundation: GLD - ~$350,000 - Tentative Title: Revisiting the "Pediment Problem" and the role of the piedmont in landscape evolution.

(Submitted - 2024) National Science Foundation: RAPID GLD - Collaborative Research: RAPID: Quantifying the fluvial geomorphic response of the Blue Earth River to a catastrophic avulsive dam failure, Rapidan Dam, Minnesota. UW-Eau Claire - Zachary Hilgendorf (Lead); Minnesota State, Mankato - Phillip Larson (Institutional PI); University of Minnesota - Andrew Wickert (Institutional PI). MSU Total: $26,558

(2022) National Science Foundation: FRES (Frontier Research in Earth Sciences) - $2,795,159 - Collaborative Research: Lake Superior basin: Natural geomorphic experiment, deepwater-terminating ice stream, and isostatically adjusting rift.  PI's: Univ. of Minnesota - Andy Wickert (Lead), Karen Gran (Co-PI), Maximilliano Bezada (Co-PI), Keisha Varma (Co-PI); Minnesota State, Mankato - Phillip Larson (Institutional PI); Harvard - Jerry Mitrovica (Institutional PI); UW-Superior - Andy Breckenridge (Institutional PI); UW-Madison - Luke Zoet (Co-PI), Marianne Haseloff (Institutional PI).  MSU Total: $705,829

(2022) Environment and Natural Resources Trust Fund - $199,000 - Land-use and climate impacts on Minnesota's Whitewater River. PI - Andy Wickert (UMN); Subcontract PIs: Phillip Larson (Minnesota State, Mankato), Dylan Blumentritt (Winona St.); Collaborators: Lawerence Svien (Minnesota board of Water and Soil Resources), Sara Holger (Minnesota DNR).  MSU Total: $85,000

(2019) Global Education Faculty Curriculum Development Grant (MSU) - $2000 - Climate change research and training driven pedagogical development for Geography 101, Geog 417/517, and potential new study abroad exploration - Patagonia, Argentina. (PI - Phillip Larson)

(2019) Faculty Improvement Grant (MSU) - $2732 - Training and Research in Solid Earth response of the Patagonian Andes to post-Little Ice Age glacial retreat. PI - Phillip Larson

(rejected 2019) Uncovering links between hydrology, geomorphology, and aquatic ecology on the Chippewa River, Wisconsin. United States Geological Survey.  PI- Andy Wickert (UMN), Co-PI- Phillip Larson. Co-PI- Doug Faulkner (UWEC). Co-PI- Jeffrey Ziegeweid (USGS). MSU Total: $93,231.

(rejected, 2019) A new template for integrated watershed-, reach-, and point-scale monitoring of catchment function through open-source technology.  Department of Energy. PI- Andy Wickert (UMN), Co-PI- Phillip Larson. MSU Total: $65,831.

(2017) Landslide Hazards and Impacts on Minnesota's Natural Environment. Environmental and Natural Resources Trust Fund (Legislative-Citizen Commission on Minnesota Resources) – Proposal Total: $500,000. PI- Dr. Karen Gran (U of Minnesota – Duluth), Dr. Andrew Wickert (U of Minnesota), Dr. Carrie Jennings (Freshwater Society, U of Minnesota), Co-PI - Phillip Larson. MSU Total: $51,964.  

(2016) Presidential Teaching Scholar Fellowship (MSU) - $7,300, PI- Phillip Larson 

(2016) Minnesota Archeology Integrated Database (Minnesota Department of Transportation) 
$140,805, PI – Dr. Ronald Schirmer, Co-PI – Phillip Larson 

(2015) Minnesota Archeology Integrated Database (Minnesota Department of Transportation)  - $257,068, PI – Dr. Ronald Schirmer, Co-PI – Phillip Larson  

(2015) Faculty Research Grant (MSU) - $4,900 - Cosmogenic Nuclide Dating of basin sediment cores, Arizona. (PI - Phillip Larson)

(2015) Minnesota DNR - Invasive Carp/Minnesota River Geomorphology Project - $424,928 –  Geomorphic/Riparian analysis of the Minnesota River and floodplain change history. (Project Director and PI - Phillip Larson, Co-PI – MSU Water Resources Center; Subcontract - Patrick Belmont (Utah State)). 

(2014) Minnesota Archeology Integrated Database (Minnesota Department of Transportation) - $256,972. PI – Dr. Ronald Schirmer, Co-PI – Phillip Larson, Co-PI – Chad Wittkop 

(2014) School of Social and Behavior Sciences Special Funding (MSU) - $3,000 - Cosmogenic Nuclide Dating in the Salt and Verde River Valley, AZ (PI - Phillip Larson

(2014) Faculty Improvement Grant (MSU)- $2,500 - Professional development - Optical Stimulating Luminescence at Utah State University (PI- Phillip Larson

(2014) Faculty Research Grant (MSU)- $5,000 - Optical Stimulated Luminescence dating of fluvial terraces and aeolian dunes in the Chippewa River Valley, WI (PI - Phillip Larson). (2011) Mathew G. Bailey Scholarship Award (ASU) - ~$800 - Field work on the Salt and Verde River Valleys. (PI - Phillip Larson)


 GRADUATE STUDENTS SUPERVISED (committee chair unless otherwise noted)

Student - Thesis research chair/advisor unless otherwise noted

Undergraduate Institution

Thesis Research

Year Graduated

Current Position

Carson A. Smith

Gustavus Adolphus (Geology)

Floodplain Inundation Mapping: An Evaluation of Geospatial Tools on the Minnesota River, MN. 

2013 - 2016 

Amec Foster Wheeler

Andrew Brown 
(Chair – Ron Schirmer, Anthropology)

Minnesota State University (Anthropology)

MAID – Minnesota Archeological Integrated Database

2014 – 2016 

EARTH Systems Laboratory Geospatial Data Research Manager

Devon Libby

Minnesota State University (Geography)

Assessing Historical Planform Channel Change in an Altered Watershed with Quantification of Error and Uncertinaty Present in a GIS/Aerial Photograph-based Analysis; Case Study: Minnesota River, Minnesota, USA.

2014 – 2018 

Intern, Minnesota DNR
Houston Engineering


Vinson Williams

Minnesota State University (Geography)

A Geospatial Approach to Assessing I/I in Wastewater Infrastructure: Case Study of Minneapolis/St Paul, MN.

2015 – 2017 

Barr Engineering

Zach Hilgendorf
(Co-Chair with Bryce Hoppie - Geology)

University of Wisconsin-Eau Claire (Geography)

The Efficacy of Best Management Practices on Peak Discharge and Contaminant Loads in Agricultural Drainage Systems, Blue Earth River Watershed, South-Central Minnesota, USA.

2015 - 2018 

Assistant Professor, UW- Eau Claire

Melissa Oubre

Arizona State University (Geography)

Predicting Invasive Carp Habitat Suitability in the Minnesota River Basin, Minnesota.

2015 - 2018

PhD Student - Bowling Green (Fall, 2018)

Jason Millett

Minnesota State University (Geography)

Cliff-Top Dunes in the Lower Chippewa River Valley of West-Central Wisconsin

2017 - 2019

National Geospatial Intelligence Agency

Kira Kuehl

University of Wisconsin-Eau Claire (Geography)

Non-thesis (APP)

Single-Grain Optical Stimulated Luminescence Dating at Cambria Pit, Minnesota River Valley, Minnesota, USA

2017 - 2020

Continental Mapping Consultants, LLC

Melissa Kohout/Swanson

Minnesota State University (Earth Science)

Mass Wasting Investigation and Assessment in the Midwest: Case Study of the Minnesota River Valley, New Ulm to St. Peter, Minnesota, USA

2017 - 2019


Ricky Mataitis

University of Wisconsin-Eau Claire (Geology)

Distribution, Geomorphology and Significance of Sand Stringers in west-central Wisconsin and southern Minnesota, USA.

2018 - 2020

Magee Geophysical Services (Reno, NV)

Luke Burds
(Chair – Ron Schirmer, Anthropology)

University of Wisconsin-Eau Claire (Geography)

The Kiwanis Site: A Multi-Method Geophysical Approach to Investigating Mound Features

2018 – 2021


Alec Anton
(Chair - Ron Schirmer, Anthropology)

Minnesota State University (Anthropology)

A Survey of and Site Treatment Plan for the Belle Creek Mounds Archeological Site, 21GD0072, in Goodhue County, Minnesota


Employed – State of South Dakota

Kenzie Shandonay
(Chair – Mark Bowen, Geography)

University of Wisconsin-Oshkosh (Geography)

Aeolian Sand Stringers in the Upper Midwest, USA: Morphology, Stratigraphy, and Paleoenvironmental Significance.


PhD Candidate - Arizona State (Fall 2021)

Owen Lott
(Co-Chair with Bryce Hoppie - Geology)

Minnesota State University (Earth Science)

Comparative Analysis of Water Quality Monitoring Procedures in Small Minnesota Lake Systems, Bass Lake Watershed, South-Central Minnesota


Johnson Outdoors

Shanti Penprase
(Chair - Andrew Wickert, University of Minnesota)

Carleton College (Geology)


(Earth and Environmental Sciences)

PhD Candidate - University of Minnesota

Nilay Iscen
(Chair - Andrew Wickert, University of Minnesota)

Middle East Technical University (M.S., B.S.)

Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University (M.S.)


(Earth and Environmental Sciences)

PhD Student - University of Minnesota

Jimmy Wood

(Co-advised with Andrew Wickert, University of Minnesota)

University of Nebraska-Omaha

Buried in bluff country: Stream and valley sedimentation in the Whitewater River Valley,

Minnesota (USA)


(Earth and Environmental Sciences)

National Park Service

Hunter Delikowski


University of Wisconsin – Eau Claire

St. Croix/Lake Grantsburg TBD title


M.S. Student – MNSU

Abi Fisher

University of Wisconsin – Eau Claire

Geomorphology, Sedimentology, and Depositional Chronology of the Christmas Dunes and their Implications for Proglacial Lake Drainage in the Lake Superior Basin



M.S. Student - MNSU

Madie Laaksonen



St. Norbert

Outlets of Lake Duluth TBD Title



M.S. Student - MNSU

Jayda Rowen

Minnesota State University (Earth Science)

Geomorphology and Sedimentology of Megaflood landforms: Comparative Study of Proglacial Lake Drainage in the Camas Prairie and Christmas Dunes



M.S. Student - MNSU

Emma Trettin

UW-La Crosse

TBD Title - Huron Mountains/Lake Superior Basin Deglaciation/Meltwater Floods


M.S. Student - MNSU

Gabriel Senf

Minnesota State University (Geology)   

 TBD Title - Blue Earth River/Rapidan Dam


 M.S. Student - MNSU